Biolage Hydrasource Hydrating Shampoo, Conditioner and Blow Dry Lotion Routine For Dry Hair

  • Tierfreundlich
  • Vegan
EUR 48.95

UVP: 64,95 €

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Auf Lager

Image 1, cleanse, treat and style. Image 2, up to 3x  more moisture.Gently cleanses leaving hair softer and more manageable. Image 3, up to 3x more moisture, nourishing formula, adds shine. Image 4, up to 48 hours of moisture, leaves hair looking and feeling soft, protects for up to 230 degrees heat. Image 5-6, infused with aloe vera extract hydra source shampoo and conditioner. Image 7, up to 48 hours of moisture, leaves hair looking and feeling soft, protects for up to 230 degrees heat. Image 8, new look same great formula. Image 9, new look same great formula

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